Excerpt from Wikipedia – revision & links by Luca Bordoni
Knight Lore is an action-adventure game known for popularising isometric graphics in video games. The game was developed and published in 1984 by Ultimate Play the Game and written by company founders Chris and Tim Stamper.
In Knight Lore, the player-character Sabreman has forty days to collect objects throughout a castle and brew a cure to his werewolf curse. Each castle room is depicted in monochrome on its ...
Excerpt from Wikipedia – revision & links by Luca Bordoni
Ultimate Play The Game was the trading name of Ashby Computers & Graphics Ltd, a software company founded in 1982 by two ex-arcade game developers Tim and Chris Stamper. Ultimate released a series of successful games for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro, MSX and Commodore 64 computers from 1983 until its closure in 1988.
Ultimate are perhaps best remembered for the big-selling titles Jetpac and ...